League of Legends: Top 5 LoL Junglers in 2024

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The jungle role in League of Legends is often considered one of the most influential and game-deciding positions. With the ability to impact all lanes through well-timed ganks, objective control, and vision dominance, junglers can truly make or break a team’s chances of victory. As we move through the 2024 season, several junglers have already separated themselves from the pack with their stellar play.

This article will highlight the 5 junglers who are currently performing at the highest level and dictating the flow of games. 

Is Jungler Role Hard in 2024?

The jungler role in League of Legends has always been considered one of the most difficult and impactful roles to play. In 2024, the role comes with its own unique set of challenges. With the increase in early game objectives like scuttles, heralds, and dragons, junglers are required to expertly path and track the enemy jungler while balancing farming, ganking, and securing neutrals. 

If you need help with improving your Jungle skills, make sure to check out GameBoost LoL Coaching & LoL Boosting services.

Top 5 LoL Junglers in 2024

While the season is still fresh, these junglers have proven themselves to be the most powerful. If you are struggling with which champion to pick then you’re at the right place. Here are the best LoL junglers of 2024 so far! 

#5: Rek’Sai

At number 5 we have Rek’Sai. She is able to move around the map very quickly using her tunnels. This allows her to gank lanes by surprise and catch enemies off guard. Her knock-up and burst damage from Furious Bite makes her dangerous in ganks. Rek’Sai is also tanky thanks to her thick skin, so she can initiate team fights well. Her map mobility, ganking power, and tankiness make Rek’Sai one of the top junglers this season. 

#4: Graves

Next is Graves. With his powerful ranged auto-attacks and AoE damage abilities, Graves excels at quickly clearing jungle camps and securing neutral objectives. The recent objective and item changes have greatly benefited him, as he can take dragons, heralds, and barons faster than most other junglers.


Graves is also excellent at solo carrying games due to his high damage output and dueling potential. He doesn’t rely as heavily on teammates compared to some other junglers when it comes to ganks and skirmishes. Between his fast clear, objective control, and ability to independently create leads, Graves has proven himself as one of the premier carry junglers this season. 

#3: Nocturne

Coming in at #3 is Nocturne. With his ability to quickly clear camps and hit level 3, Nocturne is an early game powerhouse in the jungle. Once he has his full spell rotation, he excels at invading the enemy jungle and dueling most other junglers thanks to his high damage and spell shield. 


His ultimate also allows him to gank with ease, diving onto enemies from long range. Nocturne thrives in solo queue where coordination is lower, as enemies struggle to deal with his powerful ganks. Though teamwork can shut him down, in solo queue Nocturne can hard carry games by snowballing his early leads through relentless ganking. His fast clear, strong dueling, and impactful ult place Nocturne as one of the best junglers for climbing right now.


#2: Ivern

Coming in at #2 is Ivern. As a supportive jungler, Ivern enables his team through shielding, healing, and enabling carries. By taking the utility burden, Ivern allows his support to pick damage dealers like Zyra or Brand. In teamfights, Ivern excels at keeping allies alive with triggers from his brush and well-timed shields. 


He can also initiate fights by rooting enemies with his Q or setting up flanks with his Daisy. Ivern truly thrives through proactive play – ganking often, counterganking, and using his mobility to be where his team needs him. Even from the jungle, Ivern is able to protect his allies and enable them to carry. It’s this versatile and selfless playstyle that makes Ivern such a strong pick this patch.


#1: Brand

Our #1 jungler so far this season is Brand. As an AP carry jungler, Brand thrives against low ELO full AD compositions. His ability to spam spells during ganks makes him a constant threat, especially when paired with ally CC. After taking scuttle crab, Brand is ready to unleash fiery ganks across the map. 

In teamfights, his AOE damage and percent health damage from his passive shred grouped enemies. This also allows Brand to melt objectives like dragon and baron. For low ELO solo queue, Brand’s mix of early gank power, magic damage, and teamfight impact make him the #1 jungler so far this season. His versatility to fit and thrive in many compositions puts Brand at the top of our list.



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