When is it time to give up the lead? Learn to say goodbye with break up email

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We’ve already talked here about an essential subject for you to become a good salesperson and have a high-performance sales process: cadence flows .

More than that, understanding what a cadence flow is essential for the topic we’re going to cover today: how to say goodbye to a lead that isn’t engaged in your process with a break up email.

Please don’t do like Jack in Titanic, ask Rose for a space and try to climb over the wooden door to survive! And we at Sky Marketing are here to help!

During a negotiation, you can see if a lead is really interested in what is presented because it adopts an open posture with actions like:

  • Ask more about the solution;
  • Help the seller understand the problems he needs to solve;
  • Reply to emails and calls from taj residencia ;
  • Actively participate in the purchasing process, helping to persuade more people within your company and scrambling for the necessary budget.

Of course, for all of this to happen, you need to have created an effective connection and generated enough rapport.

If you did all the steps correctly, what is the reason why many leads still lose engagement along the way?

It’s not always your fault

You need to understand that many managers have a tight schedule and multiple responsibilities within the company.

In every new purchase, any professional who acts as the decision maker is thinking about potential problems, which become objections during a negotiation.

Whether it’s a software or a service, when implementing it, the sales team needs to be trained to learn how to fit the tool into their process.

Taking time from the team is the same as decreasing overall efficiency because everyone needs to stop working to learn something new. This is a more than plausible concern.

If the team does not engage with the new tool, the manager will have even more headaches to resolve. The in-house team is directly affected by the purchase and usually has an opinion on your proposal.

Finally, the biggest risk is that of putting one’s credibility in check.

If he invests in a new solution and doesn’t get the expected return, people will judge his ability to make decisions. No professional wants this kind of conflict.

In either case, you need to act, but each trade has different timing. If this is not the right time for the lead to make the decision, you will be ignored.

Now, it could be your fault too

If you don’t have a well-structured cadence stream, you will naturally lose contact with your most promising leads if they aren’t already at the time of purchase. Sometimes the salesperson at marble arch enclave even have trouble with creating sales.

Knowing how to contact a lead is essential, but knowing when is also very important in order not to miss out on good opportunities.

As per the chart below, you need to make 7-8 touchpoints in a cadence stream to get higher conversion rates.

This chart is part of our outbound report, where we analyze over 1 million interactions made on Reev.

However, most sales professionals give up after the first or second try.

The good seller sees two possibilities:

  • Find the reason that leads the lead to postpone contracting your service and present the implications for developing the need for a solution in the lead;
  • Chasing the definitive no!

The eternal “maybe” takes a lot of your time. Continuing to send emails and trying to call contacts who have already gone cold is demotivating. Nothing can be infinite, isn’t it?

So, is it time to give up the lead?

Dealing with rejection is already a constant in a salesperson’s life.

A lead’s indifference does not always demonstrate that it does not have a buying profile. He may not have the maturity to prioritize purchasing your solution RIGHT NOW!

So keeping the doors open should be your biggest concern.

After all, the connection was made, the interest existed, but the market is dynamic and things can change. You want the lead to remember YOU when thinking about hiring a solution like yours.

How to identify a lead that is ready to be fired?

The lead who knows nothing

After several discussions with your lead, you still can’t get a clear answer about pain points, schedules, budget or who is involved in the decision-making process.

It is likely that he is not ready to buy or cannot see value in your solution. Stop wasting your time and move on.

the missing lead

You had several productive conversations with the lead, even a product demo, and thought you were about to close the deal. Out of nowhere, the lead disappeared.

You followed several emails, tried to call several times and nothing! Either he’s too busy or he just doesn’t want to respond.

There is also the chance that he went on vacation or was fired. Either way, it’s time to move on and channel your energy into something worthwhile.

The lead “ballad love”

You managed to connect to your lead and you guys hit it off. It was a productive meeting and he saw value in his solution. He even promised to get in touch to schedule a new meeting.

And disappeared!

You tried to contact him, but the lead refuses to answer. I can give you some bad news here: you may not be at the top of the priority list.

Life goes on, the line moves!

3 tips for you to create your break up email

Generate value, always

Remind the lead what problem you can solve and what the implications of that problem are. Offer some content that can help you, without resentment.

Reminding him that, even though he doesn’t want to talk right now, he needs you and that you want to help him can be a good way to get him to come back.

Don't blame the lead and be creative

Don’t blame the lead and be creative

Keep your tone positive and professional, don’t sound spiteful or accusatory.

This is the last chance you have to convince the lead and bring out the best in you. Don’t be negative or persisted!

A compelling email can make your lead want to click. Try to add a touch of good humor. Maybe he’s not convinced?

Be direct and set expectations

If your potential customer is no longer willing to respond to your connection attempts, they will be even less willing to read a long break up email.

In our outbound report we also came to a conclusion about break up email: the shorter it is, up to 300 characters per email, the higher the conversion rate.

Take the opportunity to tell the lead that this is his last attempt at contact and make it clear that you will only try again if he takes the initiative.

How to structure a breakup email?

Well, we’ve reached a point where we’ve already decided that we’re going to cut relationships with the lead and we even know how to do an effective break up email that will leave the lead with that little taste of wanting more.

So, I’m going to show you a break up email structure that I’ve already used and that has worked with a lot of leads.

Goodbye from Outbound Marketing

Did I miss a lot?

Can you help me? I want to improve next time

It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I know…

You want the lead to open the email, don’t you?

The issues above catch the lead’s attention and I’ve tested them all internally.

They drastically change the communication and behavior of my cadence flow and therefore are my best options.

Now, in the body of the email, remember that you want to keep the opportunity open. Demonstrate maturity and make it clear that you are still open for conversation.

After all, you believe you can still help him, don’t you?

A very succinct example that I’ve used a few times and generated good feedback:

We haven’t spoken for a while…

Here at Reev-OTB, we believe that every sale must generate value. If you still haven’t answered me, maybe the problem is me and not you.

I don’t like to be inconvenient, so I won’t insist anymore.

If you want to talk in the future, just get in touch and I’ll be available:

[Email, Phone, and Skype]

Good luck and good sales!

Practicing detachment is important, even if the lead has a very high potential, you show yourself mature and confident, without appearing desperate to close a sale.

In this email, you make it clear that you tried, but that you won’t insist any more so you don’t get boring.

Let the leaders decide what he’s going to do with the “time” you’ve given him, Rachel!

In the end, you make yourself available if the lead wants to talk to you in the future.

It could be that a breakup email awakens the lead from a period of hibernation, as I’ve seen it happen several times, and it resumes engagement in the negotiation.

The human being reacts to this type of unexpected situation precisely because he realizes that he can miss an opportunity!

What’s up? Can you let go?

Start testing and firing this type of email. You’ll find that some leads will be reborn from the ashes in no time, and in the long run, you can reap even more rewards!


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