Why is My Ear Wax Black?

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We have all tried to remove the ear wax whenever we faced any symptoms like itching, discomfort, or dizziness, right? Also, we assume that the normal color of wax is anywhere from pale to yellow. 

Therefore, we become appalled if we remove the wax and see it is dark, black, or orange. Are you also facing the same situation and wondering “Why is my ear wax black”? 

If yes, let us explore dark ear wax’s meaning, its causes, and treatment options. Additionally, let us find out which colors of wax are considered normal.

Why is My Ear Wax Black?

In contrast to what you might assume, dark ear wax is not caused by inadequate ear hygeine as the ear can clean itself. Therefore, here are the 5 most common causes of dark ear wax.


One of the most common causes of dark ear wax is the changes in the production, texture, and consistency of the wax associated with age. As the person ages, the quantity of wax is reduced. 

However, the texture and consistency of wax changed from soft and flowy to thick, dry, and sticky. Consequently, the wax gets stuck in the ear, and its color changes to black over time. 

Foreign Body Impaction

Anything that prevents the ear canal from cleaning itself can cause black wax. So, if the outer pathway of your ear canal is blocked by any foreign body, your ear wax could turn dark.

A few examples of foreign bodies include ear aids used for earning, headphones, ear pods, and even a small grain that found its way into your ear without you noticing. 

Accumulated Ear Wax

Although ear wax cleans itself in a healthy person with an ideal rate of ear wax production and optimal ear self-cleaning mechanism. This is not always the case.

Whenever there is an imbalance between ear wax formation and its removal, the wax tends to accumulate in the ear canal. This accumulated wax buildup becomes dark.

Compressed or Compacted Ear Wax 

Ear wax is a soft material produced to protect your ears. While its adequate quantity is necessary, its buildup is good for health. Many people have a habit of sticking cotton buds and bobby pins into their ears whenever they face minor inconveniences. 

Such objects press the ear wax deep into the ear, changing its consistency to thick and dark, and this compressed earwax changes its color while exacerbating the symptoms. 

Environmental Factors 

The environment you live in along with the condition of your ear canal also determines the color of ear wax. For example, if you live or work in an area with a high dirt index, more dust will go and accumulate in your ear.

Similarly, hot weather will cause more ear wax production. Both of these factors turn the wax dark. Moreover, your wax changes color if you are suffering from any ENT or local infection.

What Color is Ear Wax Supposed to Be?

You must be wondering if dark wax is abnormal, and what is normal. Let us tell you. 

Well, the wax freshly produced by the glands in the ear canal has a yellowish color ranging from off-white/pale to bright yellow. Within a few days to hours, it becomes lemon-butter yellow or orange. 

As more days pass, the ear wax turns dark orange to brown depending upon the time since its production. Thus, the older the ear wax, the darker it is. So, remember that any color from pale to dark brown.

Furthermore, the color of normal wax is affected by,

  • Rate of production of the wax
  • The efficiency of the self-cleaning mechanism of the ear canal
  • Working environment
  • Age of the wax 
  • Use of any lubricants, drops, or medicines in the ear
  • Use of any instruments 
  • The overall health of the ear

How to Remove Black Ear Wax at Home?

Depending upon the type of wax and the health condition of your ear, you can adopt both DIY and professional measures to remove black ear wax.

Safe At-Home Ear Wax Removal Method With Ear Camera 

The safest option to remove black wax from the ear is using an ear camera as it can help you visualize the inside of the ear and get rid of the wax with no risk of damaging the ear.

For this, you can use the Bebird Note5 Pro Ear Wax Removal Tool Camera. This latest ear wax removal kit features,

  • High-precision arm tweezers
  • Interchangeable scoops and tweezers
  • Easy to control and highly sensitive sensors
  • 10 Mega Pixel camera that provides clear details of the ear canal
  • 6 LED lights that illuminate the ear canal and improve visualization 
  • Can be used for people of all ages
  • Recommended by doctors for home use as well

Professional Interventions for Impacted Wax

It is essential to note that not all types of dark ear wax can be removed at home. At times, you should let the expert do her/his job. The professional intervention options include,

  • Using a medical curette to scoop out the wax
  • Irrigating the ear canal and draining the wax with a syringe and kidney tray
  • Careful vacuum suction of the impacted wax

Cautions Against Harmful Practices 

Whether you are planning to remove the wax at home or go to a doctor, there is something you should never do to your ear as it can cause perforation of the tympanic membrane along with aggravating your dark wax buildup. 

Such things include, 

  • Inserting objects like Q-tip, finger, bobby pins, or any random sharp thing into the ear
  • Using an ear candle to melt the wax
  • Not maintaining the hygiene of your outer ear
  • Not keeping your ear dry

When to Seek Medical Attention?

Once you know the difference between normal and abnormal wax, you can easily determine if you need medical attention. We discussed variations in the normal wax earlier. 

So, if you see that your wax is dark, try an ear wax camera by Bebird® Official | Pioneering Visual Ear Cleaner. You should contact a doctor when the wax is too stubborn to be treated by ear camera, is reddish, or appears cloudy. 

Additionally, pay attention to symptoms like 

  • Presence of discharge along with wax
  • Ear infections
  • Associated symptoms like fever, dizziness, or tinnitus
  • Foul-smelling and abnormally colored wax

These signs and symptoms show that your ear is not healthy. In such cases, you need a doctor to diagnose and treat the underlying condition.

Being stuck on home interventions without consulting a doctor can lead you to a difficult-to-treat condition. Thus, always get medical attention when it is necessary. 


Dark earwax in many cases is just normal yet too old or impacted ear wax that cannot clear on its own. We discussed other causes of dark ear wax in this article as well. 

Therefore, you need to try some methods like using an at-home camera to remove the wax safely. However, it is important to seek medical attention if your ear is suffering from additional problems other than mere black wax in the ear. 


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