Seven Tips To Keep Your Laptop Healthy

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Having a laptop for work or pleasure has become necessary. Yet, investing in a laptop is still a big decision for many, as, unlike phones, these devices aren’t switched or updated frequently. Given the expensive price tag these gadgets come at, it’s fair to understand why some users end up using one laptop for almost half of their lifetime. Sounds unrealistic, right? It doesn’t have to be.

Laptops these days come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all provide similar features and demand significant attention and care. Without appropriate maintenance, these devices lose everything, from their cosmetic appeal to their operational functionality. Factors like gentle use, regular cleaning, and timely updates can make a huge difference in a laptop’s health.

However, problems start to arise when most users don’t find the time or feel the need to care for their devices internally and externally. Time passes by as people ignore an overheating CPU, a glitchy operating system, or a fast-draining battery until the laptop gives in and wears out.

All of this can be avoided with regular laptop maintenance and care. Individuals must learn how to defend their laptops against corroding evils timely to lengthen the life of their gadget as much as possible.

Here are seven essential laptop maintenance tips to keep a device healthy for a long time.

#1 Clear Cache and Cookies

Data is constantly stored in the browser, system, and application cache, which does wonders for a user as these temporary files significantly improve load times. However, over time cache piles up and takes up an increasing amount of space. It becomes a burden on the device, slowing down the system’s performance. An essential part of maintaining a laptop’s speed is clearing the system’s cookies and cache. Individuals can visit the laptop’s settings to clear the system and application cache and their internet browser’s settings window to delete the browser cache.

#2 Delete Junk Files And Uninstall Unwanted Programs

Most users use a laptop for both work and pleasure. A person’s laptop fills up with several files and programs that aren’t being used or viewed regularly throughout the usage cycle, like old photos, leftover installer files, games, and more. These junk files and unwanted programs continue to rot in the laptop’s system, taking up valuable space on its hard drive and eating up system resources. Individuals must delete these files and free up their laptop’s memory regularly to speed up the device’s performance and essential system processes. Careful attention must ensure critical files and folders aren’t deleted in the mass purge process.

#3 Clean the Laptop’s Body Using Proper Tools

While cleaning the system on the inside is essential, tidying up the device on the outside is equally crucial. Over time, a considerable amount of dust and debris collects in various areas. These areas include the screen, underneath the keys, inside the ports, and other nooks and crannies of a laptop. Particles of food, dust and other pollutants keep corrupting the body of a laptop, ruining its overall appearance. Individuals must invest in suitable high-quality laptop cleaning tools such as compressed air canisters, pre-moistened screen wipes, and more to clean a laptop. Regularly cleaning a laptop by following appropriate guidelines can dramatically impact the performance of this gadget.

#4 Update the Software and Firmware

Viruses can eat up the life of a laptop like termites eat wood – spreading gradually but destroying massively. Developers are constantly releasing new software features and versions to better protect a machine against tenacious hackers and cybercriminals. Therefore, individuals must regularly update their laptop’s software and firmware to maintain the security and lifeline of the system. These updates might not seem like a big deal initially, but they are among the most vital defense mechanisms a laptop has against common security exploits and malicious threats.

#5 Organize and Backup The Data

Every human lives a busy life these days with so much to cater to – professional life, personal life, social life – almost everything demands a significant amount of attention. With so much on one’s plate, taking time out to manage the laptop’s data gets a little more than a person can handle. With no organization, a laptop’s data is bound to run awry with crowded folders, cluttered desktops, and more. Dealing with these folders can be a daunting task but is a great way to amp up the system’s function and performance. While doing so, it’s good to back up all files to be prepared for the unexpected. Laptops can often run into hardware failures, untimely glitches, and sudden crashes. Individuals must not rely on the modern machine to safeguard their information for a lifetime; without a full backup, people may end up losing all their data. People must make duplicate copies of their valuable data on the cloud or storage-heavy external hard drives.

#6 Run Antivirus Scans Regularly

Weekly antivirus scans can safeguard a laptop against sneaky malware attacks and malicious software infections. A basic scan examines a laptop and protects it from the damage viruses bring. Malware infections can seriously deteriorate a system’s health by slowing the web browser’s speed, disrupting the network connection, freezing or crashing the system, and altering the laptop’s basic settings. A virus also allows third-party cybercriminals to access system resources, exposing confidential information. Regular antivirus scans ban unauthorized personnel from reaching a laptop’s internal system.

#7 Update Strong Account Passwords

According to Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report, 81% of hacking-related breaches leverage weak passwords, and 85% of violations involve the human element. Users that showcase poor password behavior (like using the same password for every account, setting up simple passwords, and not changing passwords often) are most vulnerable to hacking. Protecting your system against the evils of the online world also plays a crucial role in essential computer maintenance. Experts suggest generating a strong password containing at least ten characters, a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers and special symbols. A hard-to-guess password can protect a person against potential third-party hackers.

Final Thoughts

Like any other device, a laptop also demands attention and care. Buying a laptop is extremely expensive, so people must understand how to take care of their old laptops and keep them fresh instead of switching an old laptop for a new one. However, knowing how to maintain the laptop’s health is not enough; putting all these critical tips and tricks into practice is the real deal.

Indeed, laptops don’t last forever. However, with proper maintenance, laptops can end up outliving most people’s youthful days. Individuals who worry about elongating the life of their laptops must start caring about their laptops today to get the most out of these devices. Why wait? Start investing in the sustenance of laptops today to enjoy a favorable return tomorrow.


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