How to scrape millions of LinkedIn profiles each month without getting blocked

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Hey there! Imagine a huge library filled with stories about people’s professional lives. This library is called LinkedIn, and it’s where millions of people share their career stories, skills, and achievements. It’s like a treasure chest of valuable information. Now, what if you could use this information to learn cool things and help businesses grow? That’s where scraping comes in!

Scraping is like having a friendly robot that collects information from websites. But there’s a twist: LinkedIn doesn’t always like when robots take its information. It’s like someone trying to take too many candies from a jar – sometimes, LinkedIn says, “Stop!”

But guess what? You can still learn how to take some candies (or in this case, information) from the LinkedIn jar without upsetting anyone. Just imagine you have a magic map that shows you secret paths. And here’s the magic spell: we’ll show you how to do this in a way that makes LinkedIn happy and doesn’t get you into trouble.

Best Practices for Ethical LinkedIn Scraping

When you want to get information from LinkedIn without any worries, you need to follow some important rules. It’s like playing a game – you have to play fair. One important rule is to use the LinkedIn API. This special key helps you collect information in a nice way that LinkedIn likes. Remember, using the right key is like having a secret code that opens the door to a treasure chest of information. So, always be a good player and use the LinkedIn public data API to get what you need!

Limit Frequency and Volume

Imagine you’re eating your favorite candy. You don’t want to eat them all too quickly, right? Just like that, when you’re getting information from LinkedIn, don’t ask for too much too fast. Take small bites. This helps LinkedIn’s computer servers stay happy and not get tired. So, remember to be patient and take breaks – it’s like sharing candies with your friends.

Use Publicly Accessible Data

When you’re looking for information on LinkedIn, it’s important to use what’s open for everyone to see. It’s like looking at pictures in a big book everyone can read. Using the right key, like the LinkedIn Data API, helps you see only the pictures that everyone can look at. So, remember to use the right key and look at the open pictures – that’s the best way to be a good friend to LinkedIn.

Techniques to Evade Scraping Detection

“Imagine you’re playing hide-and-seek, but you don’t want to be found too easily. When you’re using a cool thing called the Linkedin Public Data API to get information, it’s like having a secret invisibility cloak. You can also do other clever things to hide, like changing your appearance (websites call it a User-Agent) and using special addresses (they’re like secret doors) called IP proxies.

User-Agent Rotation

Imagine you’re a detective who can change costumes. That’s what User-Agent rotation is like. When you visit websites using the Linkedin API, wearing different outfits (User-Agents) makes you look like different people. This helps you collect information without anyone guessing it’s you.

Randomized Behavior

Imagine you’re playing with your toy cars. Sometimes, you drive them super fast, and sometimes you slow down. When you’re scraping with iScraper Linkedin API, it’s a bit like that. Instead of going at the same speed all the time, you mix it up. This trick helps you look like a real person, not a robot.


So, there you have it, buddy! Remember, scraping data from LinkedIn is like a fun adventure, but it’s important to be a good explorer. Just like you follow the rules when playing games, you need to follow the rules when scraping too. It’s like having a secret treasure map and following it carefully.



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