How to repair Canon Printer not responding issues?

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Canon is a famous Japanese company globally known for cameras and imaging devices. This company also manufactures printers and copier gadgets. Canon printers are available in various sizes and models. Configuring and using these devices is very simple. You can connect your Canon using cable or cableless. Canon devices are reliable but sometimes the user gets problems like not responding with Canon printers.

Common causes behind Canon printer not responding error

  1. Print job meets a runtime error
  2. Invalid printer settings
  3. The printer can’t find the driver
  4. Canon printer is not connected
  5. The firewall is interrupting the printer connection
  6. Some Canon services stop working
  7. Empty ink cartridge
  8. The printer is not recognizing the cartridge

Resolving Canon printer not responding error

Restart the PC

When your printer device is not responding to your command, restart the computer. Sometimes the print job meets a runtime error and the printer stops responding. Runtime errors can appear due to various reasons. However, you can easily fix it by restarting the PC. Close print wizard and all running applications. Restart the computer and send a new print job. Check your Canon printer error, if the printer is still showing the same error then run a printer troubleshooter. Open Settings and click on the Update & Security tab. Search for Troubleshoot and click on Additional. Click on the Printer and tap the Run button. This inbuilt tool will inspect all printer-related problems. After running the printer troubleshooter, resend a print job and take your printouts.

Reset Canon printer settings

Your printer will stop responding if you have made any invalid changes to the printer settings. Sometimes, users make changes to the printer and the printer stops working. To fix the error, you have to undo those changes. Go to the Canon printer and check for settings. Revert the recent changes on the printer. If you don’t know the correct settings, use the printer reset tool.

How to set Canon printer back to factory settings?

  1. On the Canon printer, go to the control panel
  2. Choose Reset option
  3. Hit on Soft Reset
  4. Press the hold the button until it shows Hard Reset
  5. Tap on Hard Reset

Wait until the printer screen shows a hard reset. After a hard reset, you have to reconfigure the printer to your PC and then you can take the printouts.

Check for Canon printer driver

If the printer is unable to find the required driver, it can’t communicate with the PC. Go to your PC and check for the Canon printer driver. If you don’t have a driver then visit the Canon printer website and install it. Also, check the printer driver for a new update. If the update is available, install it and reconnect the Canon printer.

Reconnect your Canon printer

Check the status of your Canon printer. If it shows offline then check for the printer connection. Sometimes, the Canon printer connection gets interrupted unexpectedly. Connection error occurs due to a faulty cable or USB port. If your printer cable seems damaged, get a new USB cable. Don’t use a low-speed cable for your connection. Purchase a high-speed USB cable for connecting your Canon printer. If the USB port seems loose, use another port to connect the printer. In the wireless connection, errors appear when the Wi-Fi is not working. Restart the Wi-Fi button on the Canon printer and check the Wi-Fi lamp. The lamp will blink until it finds the device/network. Select the SSID of your network to connect the printer. After connecting the printer, you can take printouts from any device on the same network.

Check for the firewall

If your Canon printer is showing issues on network printing then check for a firewall. Sometimes, printer connection errors appear when the network is firewall secured. Firewall checks all incoming traffic and connection requests. When it finds an unknown request, it may block it. To connect the printer you have to add the printer to the Trusted Devices list. After adding the Canon printer, the firewall will accept the connection request. If you can’t add the printer to the Trusted Devices list then disable the firewall temporarily. Now connect the printer to the network and take your printouts. Disconnect the printer and re-enable your firewall.

Power restart the Canon printer

Printers can show responding issues when some of the printer services are not working. Sometimes when a user sends a new request to the printer, some services get stuck. To resume Canon printer services, you need to power restart it. When the printer is On, remove the power cable. Wait for 10 seconds and reconnect the power cord. After the power restart, all Canon services will run from the beginning. Now connect the printer to the PC/network and take your printouts.

Check ink on the cartridge

When the ink is low, the printer starts showing a low ink error. But sometimes, the printer may not show an ink warning message. This issue occurs when you are using a printer after months and the ink inside the cartridge gets dry. You have to install a new cartridge on your printer or you can add a few drops of solvent. If the cartridge is empty, replace it. Using clone/compatible cartridges can show problems. Use the original cartridge on your printer. You can refill the original cartridge with good ink. Remove the cartridge and refill the ink carefully. Now reinstall it carefully and check for errors.

Reinstall the cartridge

The Canon printer won’t respond if it can’t find the required cartridge. Go to your Canon printer and check for cartridges. If any cartridge is showing an error, uninstall it. Check the pins or contacts for any damage. Remove the dust carefully and reinsert the cartridge. If you are installing a new cartridge, check for the plastic protective tape. Remove the tape before installing your cartridge. Insert the cartridge carefully into the printer and check for errors. The printers may show issues if you are using a refilled cartridge. To fix the error, remove all cartridges and install refilled cartridges in a different slot. Now remove it and start installing all cartridges accordingly. The printer will recognize the refilled cartridges along with other cartridges.


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