How Quality Clothing Enhances Body Positivity and Comfort

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Have you ever felt that you walked into a store and tried an outfit on and found it is a perfect fit for you that you felt you could take over the world? Maybe you stepped out in a pair of shoes that were standing out all wrong or pulled a t-shirt that just never seemed to sit right, leaving you feeling self conscious and uncomfortable in general? Though the effect of how our clothes fit into us on our self-image might be overestimated, the harsh reality is that it does have a profound impact on how we view ourselves. Let’s look into the world of styling and why quality matters here. Investing in clothes that are comfortable and fit you well can make you feel better and confident, instead of drawing you down.

Compiling the Outcome of Fashion Component Comfort

Clothes size is not only the numbers on a label, it’s also related to how well they fit. It is when the cloth simply wraps your body, and the seams naturally reflect the body’s curves and the comfort when wearing it. Having clothes that just fit you badly is the worst, it just sucks the self-confidence out of you and you are constantly fiddling with your clothes all day! On the one hand, when clothes fit, it’s like you can’t even feel your second skin— you are just quietly confident, sure of yourself and confident of taking on whatever whatever it is.

The psychological benefits that often result from the right fit clothing.

It is not easy to overestimate the psychological import of a carefully chosen piece of clothes. It’s such a great feeling when your new outfit gives you a perfect fit to the point that your image is grander and you walk with a lot more self-assurance. It has nothing to do with fitting in the defined ideal beauty criteria, rather it is about being proud of and triumphant over yourself whatever your shape looks like. Actually, it’s not only about increasing freedom of choice, it’s also about the fact that you, through wearing whatever you want, feel better about who you are as a person. So there should not be anything that you should hesitate in wearing.

Lifestyle clothing brands’ contribution in uplifting body positivity is owed to their belief IN supporting the society’s healthy side irrespective of their size, shape or gender.

Surprisingly, a few companies act as fashion pioneers and strive for diversity and inclusion on the sizing and marketing side. Buying into these brands is not just an investment in good quality apparels, but also learning about and practising body positivity in the fashion industry. Cultural clothing expresses our individual diversity whereas fast fashion favours similarity and homogenization. Since nowadays we pursue quality over quantity, sustainable and ethical fashion become our identity.  Check out the Luxeire shop if you want to start your new clothing journey.

How to Save Money on Quality Clothing

The disadvantages of fast fashion are clear. From materials with short lifespans to potential health damaging dyes; staying away from these items of clothing can make you feel better. Rather than doing the opposite, to be an environmentally friendly consumer, buying quality clothing is better since it allows you to use it for a long period of time.

However, there’s one thing that should also be discussed. Quality threads must have a bigger price tag on them. This is, however, time-costly but you will have the shock of your life the first time when you get the bill to pay. Below are some few money-saving ways that can help you still buy the quality items you want rather than getting the cheap ones.

Explore New Brands

Have you always been set on the brands you wear? While you can have your favourites, it can be damaging to stick with the same ones all the time. Not only can you get bored, but it can also be more expensive. You should be open to wearing new brands and choosing clothing based on more than the logo. Indeed, there are brands that prioritise quality clothing, as well as offering timeless designs. At the same time, it can be possible to save money.

Look for Affordable Delivery

There’s one charge that a lot of people object to paying. We’re talking about delivery fees. It can be frustrating to buy various quality clothing items just to be hit with a shipping cost. In fact, there are many that don’t go ahead with the purchase because of it.

The best way to save is to look at the delivery options in advance. Make sure you’re happy with the prices and see if there’s an economy option. Alternatively, some companies will offer free delivery once you spend a certain amount. See if you can hit this number with your order to benefit.

Wait for a Sale

If you have a brand in mind and you know their prices can be high, this doesn’t mean you have to give up on your order. Instead, you can wait for a sale. Sometimes, being patient pays off and this discount can make all the difference to your bank balance. There are certain times of the year when almost every company has a sale. Black Friday is a great example. This can allow you to gain a discount.

Choose Versatile Pieces

On some occasions, you could not do anything more than provide quality products directly. When it comes to your friends, you can’t choose them which is both a blessing and a curse. However, you have the power to pick the relationships you maintain, and consciously choosing those that are healthy and genuine is another instance of you making your life better. Whenever selecting your wardrobe, make sure you choose one that is easy to match and swap for other clothes to create new combinations and thus broaden your enjoyment from them. This may be done simply- by wearing a white blouse to the office, as well as for lunch with friends.


The fit of power may not happen to be the most important of all factors, but you certainly should not overlook it. Investing in such clothes that fit well can lift you up morally, physically, as well as emotionally through a certain sense of well-being. As such, do not forget to opt for clothes that perfectly fit your body when you go shopping the next time. That’s why you will know whenever you are confident in the outfit you choose, it will show on your appearance as well.


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