How Poor Sleep Can Make You a Risky Driver?

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You’ve probably heard it a million times: “Make sure you get a good night’s sleep.” But have you ever stopped to ponder why?

Sure, we all know it makes us feel more refreshed and alert, but did you know that lack of sleep might actually turn you into a risky driver?

Shocking, right?

Nearly half of drivers in the UK have confessed to driving with less than five hours of sleep!

Experts estimate that fatigue-related accidents could contribute to about 20% of all vehicle collisions in the UK, including a quarter of fatal and severe crashes.

These findings highlight a crucial connection between sleep quality and driver safety, emphasising the importance of addressing sleep-related issues for all motorists.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how poor sleep can make you a riskier driver and what steps you can take to avoid falling asleep behind the wheel.

Let’s dive in!

The Link Between Sleep and Driving

It’s no secret that a lack of sleep can negatively affect our cognitive abilities, including:

  • Reaction times
  • Decision-making
  • Alertness

All these skills are essential when driving a car safely.

And it gets worse – being awake for 17 hours is equivalent to having a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%, which is above the legal limit in many countries, including the UK.

When you’re running on limited sleep, your body will start to experience impaired cognitive functions and reaction times that can make it challenging to stay focused on the task at hand—driving.

It’s also worth noting that your ability to focus decreases significantly even after just one night of poor or inadequate sleep. That means that if you’ve been up all night revising for an exam or to finish a project, the following day might not be the best time to drive.

How to Avoid Falling Asleep While Driving?

The simplest way to avoid putting yourself and other road users in danger is to catch enough Zzzs before hitting the roads.

Sleep experts recommend adults get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

Apart from adequate rest, there are a few other things drivers can do to stay alert on the roads:

  • Avoid driving during the period of time when your body is naturally inclined to sleep.
  • Check-in with yourself and take all necessary breaks if you feel tired or fatigued.
  • Stay hydrated throughout your journey, as dehydration can also contribute to fatigue.
  • Listen to music that energises and motivates you while on the road.
  • Drink coffee or a caffeinated energy drink if you’re starting to feel drowsy.
  • Don’t drive long distances alone, as having a companion will help keep you alert and engaged.

Taking these measures will go a long way towards ensuring your safety and that of other people on the road.

Moreover, it’s worth noting that your car’s safety features, such as:

  • Blind spot monitoring systems
  • Lane departure warnings
  • Auto emergency braking
  • Adaptive cruise control,

can also help keep you alert and reduce the risk of a crash.

If your car lacks modern safety features and you’re considering selling it, it’s worth getting a car valuation to understand its worth in the current market.


It’s clear that poor sleep can have a significant impact on our driving abilities, leading to an increased risk of crashes. Getting enough rest and taking regular breaks while on the road are essential for maintaining driver safety.

Moreover, investing in a car with modern safety features will make it easier to stay alert while behind the wheel and give you additional protection in case of an unfortunate event.

Whether you’re a frequent road-tripper or simply commuting to work, make sure to prioritise your sleep and take appropriate steps to stay safe on the roads. Your life could depend on it!

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that driving while drowsy can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

So, make sure you get enough quality sleep before hitting the roads, and always stay alert!


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