Has Your Personal Injury Claim Been Denied? These Could Be the Reasons

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Having insurance is vital to ensure you are covered against unforeseen accidents. When an accident happens, you submit a claim, and the company compensates you for the loss. However, not all the time the insurance company accepts claims. It may deny a claim based on specific reasons. If the company denies your personal injury claim, you may feel helpless and jumbled, knowing you have been paying premiums for years.

Insurance companies deny claims for many reasons. After all, they must look for reasons not to compensate or lower your claim amount. The best way to maneuver such a situation is to work with a south florida personal injury lawyer to help you get the compensation you deserve. Understanding why insurance companies deny claims is vital so you don’t make the same mistakes when filing your claim.

Reasons Insurance Companies Deny Personal Injury Claims

Once you file an injury claim, the company brings an adjuster who negotiates the amount and looks into your case. Knowing that the adjuster works in the company’s best interest, not you, is crucial. Therefore, they will look for ways to avoid compensating you since the company focuses on making profits. Here are the reasons the company may deny your claim.

Lack of Enough Proof

You must have the best proof to show you had an accident that caused the injury. Lack of enough proof will result in the denial of your claim. You must prove that the insured caused the accident, and the proof must be strong enough to support your claim without any reasonable doubt.

Delayed Medical Treatment

Getting immediate medical attention is critical to your claim. Many claims have been denied because the victims failed to seek or delayed getting medical attention. Delayed medical attention is a good reason for the insurer to deny your claim.

Incorrect or Missing Details

You must confirm you have all the information required before submitting your claim. The information should be complete, accurate, and correct. You also need to know what the insurer needs for submission. In case of any error in your submission, the insurance company will use it as an excuse not to compensate you.

No Medical Records

Medical records are the most critical element in any personal injury claim. Without them, you cannot prove you were injured or explain the extent of the injury. Therefore, you must have the records, including your doctor’s statement, or the insurer will use that as reasons to reject compensation.

Pre-existing Injuries

The company may also reject your claim if you have a pre-existing medical condition. The company will be reluctant to pay you with the argument that your injury is attributed to the existing condition. They may also deny the claim if you did not disclose the pre-existing medical condition when filing the claim.

Accident and Injury Not Connected

The insurance firm can also reject your claim if there is inadequate evidence to show how the injuries relate to the accident. Therefore, as you file your claim, you must provide enough evidence to prove your injury resulted from the accident.

Final Thoughts

It is not the end if your claim has been denied. You still have a chance to get compensation as long as you rectify your mistakes and meet the requirements. So, seek help from the best personal injury lawyer like south florida personal injury lawyer to determine the next steps.


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