Comparison of React and Angular web frameworks

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Software development is indeed a very complex process. For an application or website to be as beautiful, scalable, and convenient as possible, it is necessary to use various frameworks. Today there is a massive variety of them, and each has its characteristics and rules of work. The most popular are two frameworks: React and Angular. Let’s look at the main differences and who suits which options.

What is React?

It is a vast open-source JavaScript library. It is actively used for interface development. It is being created by Facebook and a small community of individual developers. There are a large number of different tools for creating complex interactive interfaces.

What is Angular?

It is a unique platform for building scalable applications configured in typescript. It has a massive set of libraries and functions ready-made for building a site or application. The collection of tools here is awe-inspiring. And it is constantly updated and improved under the guidance of a group of specialists from Google.

Brief comparison

Angular is a Javascript framework built using Typescript, while React is a library built using JSX. The first is used to create a complex enterprise-level application, and the second is used to create user interface components.

To understand the differences between React and Angular in more detail, it makes sense to look at the technical specifications:

As you can see, both of these platforms are in the public domain, and anyone can start working with them. Of course, there may be paid features here, but even on an unrestricted basis, you can make a decent product if you have extensive experience in programming and know the system’s features well.

At the moment, React is more popular. Although Angular gives more features, React has a more straightforward way to use it. If you can’t figure out all the intricacies, you can hire React.js developers. Outsourcing has proven its effectiveness today and has shown that it helps create a quality product for little money.

What is React well for?

React has been successfully used by the creators of such well-known platforms:

  • Facebook;
  • Uber;
  • Instagram;
  • The New York Times;
  • Netflix and many others.

Each platform finds different React features for itself. For example, thanks to this platform, Netflix has created a tool that allows you to increase the download speed for low-performance devices.

Facebook was the first to try using React to update data without refreshing pages. In the future, these features will be implemented on Instagram.

Practice shows that React are suitable for:

  • HTML, JavaScript, CSS;
  • Highly customized specific app;
  • App with multiple events;
  • Creates sharable components in the app.

Each specialist will be able to find the advantages of using this platform. Usually, it does not take much time to master the basics of this system. In addition, this allows you to reduce the cost for developing a website significantly.

What is Angular good for?

Angular has been used to create websites and individual applications:

  • Upwork;
  • PayPal;
  • Google;
  • Sony;
  • Forbes and many others.

According to the eCommerce Trend Report, PayPal is one of the most successful e-wallets in the US. It uses Angular to build the payment system checkout, which consists of essential features like the payment view page and the addition of credit card pages.

Upwork uses this platform to keep features running smoothly and reflect changes in a fraction of a second.

In most cases, this is used for:

  • Java, C#;
  • Large scale feature-rich apps;
  • Regular app size;
  • Ready to use solutions, and much more.

One of the crucial advantages of this platform is that it allows you to create single-page applications as quickly as possible. It is perfect for those who want to launch the project quickly, thereby reducing the development cost.


The choice of framework is highly dependent on what kind of application or site you are creating. Angular is the perfect solution if you need to build a small enterprise application. If you want to create a social media application or large online stores, then React can be a good helper for creating individual modules.

If you were able to master one of these frameworks as well as possible, this is unlikely to help you master the second since they are different. However, a person with basic programming knowledge will be able to master these frameworks.


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