5 Effective Ways to Combat Skill Shortages in an Organization

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Korn Ferry’s research indicates that the United States is at risk of a $162.25 billion loss due to a shortage of tech talent alone.

The above stat highlights the significant economic impact of talent crunch in an economy. Without timely intervention, this trend can give rise to several challenges, such as intensified competition for skilled talent, supply chain disruptions, inflationary pressures, etc., across sectors.

To avert these consequences, it is imperative that firms explore best practices to attract, cultivate, and retain an optimized talent pool.  

In this article, we will delve into strategies for mitigating skill shortages and explore how advanced resource management tools like SAVIOM can help. 

First, let’s understand;

1.What factors lead to skill shortages in organizations?

Understanding the fundamental factors behind skill shortages is essential for effective talent management. Let’s explore these attributes in detail.

  • Technological Advancements: 

In the changing tech landscape, one of the significant drivers of skill shortages is the rapid pace at which new technologies and tools are emerging. If employees don’t keep abreast with the latest technical knowledge, their skills may swiftly lose relevance.

  • Demographic Shifts: 

People migrate due to various economic, social, or political factors, which results in a substantial loss of specialized skills and knowledge within the geographical area. This, in turn, can impact the country’s economy, workforce, and overall development. 

  • Industry-Specific Challenges: 

Certain industries frequently encounter distinct sets of workforce challenges. For example, the construction industry may struggle to attract new generation talent as they are dissuaded from pursuing construction jobs, especially the physically demanding ones. This results in a shortage of new workforce in the field.

  • Training Gaps: 

Most organizations fail to develop a proper training and upskilling framework due to budget constraints, a lack of insights into pipeline opportunities, etc. Consequently, these training gaps give rise to skill obsolescence which hampers the organization’s ability to take on multi-faceted projects and boost revenue.

  • Lack of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Initiatives: 

When organizations lack diverse hiring initiatives, they may overlook qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. This reduces the number of skilled individuals, resulting in a shortage of skills or expertise. In addition, a homogenous workplace can limit creativity and innovation, leading to a lack of growth and unplanned attrition.   

Now, let’s explore effective ways to alleviate skill gaps and ensure improved project outcomes.

2.Best strategies to mitigate skill shortages

In today’s business environment, where skill shortages pose a significant challenge to organizations across industries, finding the best strategies to address them has become paramount. 

Given below are ways in which you can achieve this goal.

2.1. Align your acquisition strategy with the firm’s long-term goals

If employees lack the skills and expertise to undertake future projects, an organization may lose market opportunities, ultimately impacting its profitability. Therefore, it becomes imperative for the hiring managers to streamline their acquisition strategy to align with the organization’s strategic objectives. 

This includes identifying specific competencies required to meet the current and future goals. It enables the hiring managers to select and recruit suitable candidates that match the skill requirements. This helps them to create a highly skilled talent pool and maintain sustainable growth. 

2.2. Establish an L&D department to promote multi-skilling

It is imperative for organizations to upgrade their workforce’s technical knowledge and skills regularly to mitigate skill obsolescence. This can be achieved by establishing a Learning and Development (L&D) department to impart formalized training. Further, firms should create IDPs (Individual Development Plan) tailored to each employee. 

Simultaneously, managers must implement cross-training programs, conduct workshops or seminars, and other multi-skilling initiatives. These efforts empower employees to cultivate secondary skills, which can prove beneficial when opportunities aligned with their primary skills are limited, enhancing their utilization. Thus, this helps build a dynamic talent pool that can undertake diverse projects and contribute to the firm’s profitability.

2.3. Hire a contingent workforce for short-term requirements

Maintaining a permanent workforce with specialized skills to address project-specific demands can be an expensive endeavor. Therefore, managers should strategically hire contingent employees with niche expertise, including freelancers, or workers from empaneled vendors for immediate needs.  

This ensures organizations achieve project completion without compromising quality or incurring unnecessary overhead costs. Additionally, decision-makers can absorb skilled contingent resources on a permanent basis if required. This guarantees an agile solution to mitigate skill shortages and enhance overall workforce adaptability.

2.4. Implement out-rotation and backfill strategy as appropriate

Most organizations often have a limited number of niche skilled resources. Thus, when there are competing priorities, it can be challenging for managers to meet all demands simultaneously. However, firms can effectively tackle this issue by applying the out-rotation and backfill technique. 

For instance, let’s assume a highly skilled resource is engaged in an ongoing project, and a new project comes in, that requires their expertise in the execution phase. Managers can out-rotate them from the current project to the new one and assign a competent junior resource as their replacement. This ensures smooth execution and successful outcomes for both projects.

2.5. Provide on-the-job training and shadowing opportunities

For organizations to leverage the maximum potential of their workforce, they must ensure that their resource pool is equipped with the right competencies. To achieve this, managers must strategically employ on-the-job training and shadowing opportunities, along with mentorship programs.

These initiatives provide employees with hands-on experience to perform their job efficiently. Additionally, they facilitate close collaboration between new recruits and seasoned employees, enabling seamless knowledge sharing. It, in turn, fosters a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Now, let’s understand how a modern resource management tool helps combat these bottlenecks!

3.How can a next-gen resource management tool help?

Saviom’s advanced resource management software enables firms to manage their workforce with precision and efficiently mitigate skill shortages.

  • The tool’s enterprise-wide visibility enables managers to gain an overview of the existing workforce’s skills, competencies, experience, etc., and identify candidates for IDPs. 
  • The tool’s advanced forecasting capabilities and capacity vs. demand report help determine skill gaps. This helps managers forward-plan resource requirements for pipeline projects. 
  • Moreover, an organizational competency matrix that captures employees’ skills and certifications, thereby enabling managers to facilitate appropriate training programs.
  • Finally, the what-if-analysis feature helps managers to create various scenarios in a resource-constrained environment, anticipate their impact on projects, and choose the most viable workforce plan.
  • 4.Conclusion

In today’s dynamic business landscape, organizations have to prioritize bridging skill shortages to ensure their continued growth. By implementing the above strategies, coupled with advanced resource management software, businesses can position themselves for success and consistently achieve all organizational milestones with excellence.


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