What Do you Do if your Search Engine Ranking Suddenly Drops - Techduffer
Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
What Do you Do if your Search Engine Ranking Suddenly Drops

The experts over Blurn Australia Digital Marketing company are here to tell us all what we should do when we discover our hard-earned work in SEO has gone away and our ranking is dropping. 

Thankfully it’s not the end of the world, but first let’s find out why your ranking may have dropped. 

Find Out What Has Caused the Sudden Drop

Here are some options as to why your rankings may have dropped. 


Website Tracking Code Issues

Occasionally a drop in your website traffic is because there are changes to your website code or analytical plugins that can cause an issue in the tracking code, so double check it before you start panicking. 


Check How Serious It Is

Sometimes the Google algorithm changing isn’t as serious as you think it is, it can be a quick fix like some broken internal links or just an error on your part. The point is that Google search engine ranking drops are stressful, but don’t waste time being stressed, either call the experts or take a deep breath and work through it. If you think the drop is serious, you shouldn’t try to DIY it, just find the right people to make it right as soon as you can. 


Check Google Penalty’s

Most commonly Google’s ranking drops are due to a penalty. This happens when you have gone against Google’s guidelines and Google is punishing you for this. You can often see if this has happened in your Google Search Console, Google Analytics or just by checking your brand positioning in other ways. 


How To Relieve a Google Penalty

Below we’ve outlined some quick things to be aware of that can be fixed to relieve the google penalty but be aware they aren’t necessarily easy to fix. 


Redesign of The Website

If you’re in the middle of changing your website or moving it from one platform to another, it may cause a sudden drop in traffic. If this is the case, there’s no use worrying, just complete your website migration and redesign and then wait for it to pick back up again as Google recrawl your new website. 

The website developer can help you do this in a seamless manner so there’s less downtime. 


Low Content Quality

One common reason a website quality will drop is due to low quality content that doesn’t adhere to Google’s guidelines. Google is so strict on website content, if you have too much content, or its keyword stuffed it can get penalised. If you use too much AI to write your content it can get penalised. IF your content isn’t informative, you can get penalised. So go back to the basics and make sure your content gets to the point, sounds human and adheres to the Google EEAT guidelines. 


Bad Backlinks

Another reason that rankings can drop is you’ve accidentally or knowingly made bad backlinks. These are also known as black hat links and are spammy, low quality links sometimes made with AI that lack care and usefulness for users. This takes a little bit of expertise to get right, but you can read on to discover why Blurn’s a good choice to help get back on the right track. 


Call Blurn Today!

If you do find that your search engine ranking has dropped and you don’t want to spend time stressing about it, and just want to get things back on track, call Blurn. With their expert team and their knowledge to back you, the drop in rankings goes from something that feels super serious to a learning opportunity to audit your website and your SEO and find out what you’re doing to cause this issue. 

Even if you try to DIY this process; you may end up making things worse and it can get to the point where fixing the penalty becomes time consuming and costly and you can lose revenue in the meantime. 

With this in mind, call the experts at Blurn and get started on making things right. With them on your side, you can avoid ever getting a penalty again!  

If you want to learn more about Blurn company, reach out and chat to their team today!



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