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Kick Streaming: All You Need To Know About The Platform In Detail

Kick streaming is a new way to watch shows and movies online. It started in January 2023. It has gotten a lot of notice for being friendlier for creators than other live streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. It’s still uncertain whether Kick Streaming will achieve the level of success, as Twitch and YouTube, or if it will face the fate of Mixer. 

Whether you’re just starting out with streaming and aiming to expand your base or you already have an audience and are considering exploring a different streaming platform it might be worth giving Kick a shot. This guide will help you start a live video on Kick Simply, one step at a time.

What Is Kick Streaming?

Kick is a website where you can watch live videos, like on Twitch, YouTube Live, and Facebook Live. Watchers can sign up for a creator’s channel, give money, and join high-quality live videos. It’s still being tested before it’s finished. When you start using kick streaming, you’ll see that it’s very similar to Twitch. Kick puts live videos into groups similar to how Twitch does. 

Video games are popular on Kick, but the most popular category is Slots and Casinos, which are basically not allowed on Twitch. Other big groups on Kick are live-streaming real-life activities, music, art, and different kinds of streams. The new streaming platform also lets people play and stream games with their friends or on a team, even if they are not in the same place.

How Twitch Is Different From Kick Streaming?

Kick and Twitch are different because Kick is a streaming platform that is better for creators. This means it charges less money from creators, is more lenient with explicit content, and tries to make its rules clear. In simpler terms, Kick presents itself as the platform that advocates for fair agreements for streamers.

At first glance, Kick looks similar to Twitch in ‘The Matrix’: the homepage looks very alike, but it’s green and black instead of white and purple. Look further into it and you’ll see that the Kick vs Twitch argument is more detailed and complicated.

What Can You Stream On This Platform?

Kick is similar to Twitch and has many different categories that you can look through and watch live videos. They are:

Why To Choose Kick Streaming?

It’s important to remember that Kick is a very new streaming platform. There might be major changes to the platform in its first year. Some people aren’t sure if the 95-5 business model can last for a long time. Right now, Kick seems like a good place for newbies to start and get noticed. However, if you choose to broadcast on Kick, be ready for things to change in the next few months.

Making Money Using Kick Streaming

To be part of Kick’s Affiliate program, you must have 75 followers and have streamed for a total of 5 hours. On the hand, Twitch requires content creators to fulfill criteria in order to earn income. To become a Twitch Affiliate individuals must have broadcasted for a minimum of 8 hours, within the month.

Once you become a Kick Affiliate, you can begin to ask people to pay for subscribing to your channel. A Kick subscription costs about $4. 99 per month If you have 1,000 followers, you would pay around $4,750 after Kick takes their share.

Kick Streaming Exclusivity

Kick helps creators stream on different platforms. Twitch pays some top streamers to only stream on their site. This makes viewers go to Twitch to watch those streamers. But in June 2023, Twitch started charging Affiliates $25 if they want to end their agreement. Kick offered to pay the fee for the Affiliate if the Affiliate joins Kick instead. So, not really exclusive, but trying to be an option instead.

Categories To Watch

Kick is a new platform, so it will take some time to find out which type of content is the most popular. It has attracted some popular streamers, but Kick is mostly best for new content creators who want to get noticed. If you make videos about gambling and casinos, Kick is a good place for you to share them. Right now, gambling is the most popular category on the platform.

Wrapping Up!

Check out Kick Streaming to determine if it’s suitable for your needs. If you enjoy playing games such, as League of Legends and Call of Duty or simply wish to socialize and have conversations Kick offers something for everyone. And if watching your streamers, on Twitch or YouTube Live is your style that’s perfectly fine as well. Finally, having access to more streaming platforms like Kick and Twitch is a good thing because you can choose from different options.

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