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How to Prevent Common Eye Problems?

Common Eye Problems

There are around 200 different eye illnesses, ranging from the common (like dry eye disease DED) to the uncommon (like glaucoma and cataracts). Others have no symptoms and can lead to complete blindness before people realize what is happening. Preventable vision loss can be reduced through various therapies pharmacists and healthcare professionals can provide to their patients. This article explains how to identify at-risk patients and counsel them on preventing common eye problems. 

1- Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

Living an unhealthy lifestyle that includes excessive alcohol use might harm one’s vision. DED (also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca) is a disorder where the eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too rapidly, resulting in the eyes drying up and becoming red, swollen, and irritating. Alcohol usage has been shown to increase the signs and symptoms of DED. 

Age-related macular degeneration and other recognized causes of blindness have been linked to heavy alcohol intake. It has been observed that heavy drinking, defined as consuming more than 30g of alcohol per day, is associated with more risk of developing early AMD. By altering the processes that prevent oxidative stress, alcohol has been linked to the development of AMD. Cataracts (clouding of the eye’s lens) are more common in people who drink a lot of alcohol. However, the connection is less clear.

2- Stop Smoking

The incidence and progression of AMD have been linked to a higher likelihood of the disease being triggered by a history of cigarette smoking. The formation of cataracts has also been linked to the amount of cigarette smoke inhaled. Diabetic retinopathy (the blocking of blood vessels in the eye’s back area), DED, and glaucoma have all been related (a condition is affecting the optic nerve).

3- Use Sunglasses to Shield Your Eyes From the Sun’s Rays

Several eye diseases, including cataracts and cancer, have been linked to high amounts of ultraviolet (UV) and light exposure. Prescription glasses now come with a UV filter, but not all sunglasses do the same. Counseling patients to verify that their sunglasses meet European and British standards and are of the correct filter category for their use is vital in protecting them from harmful UV rays. 

4- Decrease Screen Time

Computer vision syndrome (CVS), a group of eye symptoms linked to computer use, is at its peak due to our increasing reliance on digital devices. CVS symptoms fall into one of four groups:

The one who spends time in front of a computer or other screen should be instructed to observe the 20:20:20 rule to avoid weariness (every 20 minutes, individuals take a 20-second break and focus on an object 20 feet away)

Adapt lighting and glare, ventilation, screen and seating design, and blue light to the viewing environment.

Aqueous-deficient DED can be managed by following simple guidelines.

5- Consistently Perform Vision Tests

The recommended interval for eye examinations is every two years for most adults. As a result, some high-risk patients are advised to have more often scheduled eye tests. Patients who are:

6- Follow Expert’s Instructions Regarding Lens Hygiene 

A foreign object on the eye’s surface and a wet and warm environment might lead to complications if contact lenses are misused. 

You should all of the above advice to prevent common eye problems. If you experience any discomfort in your eyes, then don’t avoid it and consult a specialist. You should visit an Eye Specialist in Lahore to get a detailed and expert checkup. You can make an appointment with the Best Eye Specialist in Lahore through Marham.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- Is it better to use the dark mode for your eyes?

Some persons who spend a lot of time staring at the screen may benefit from using the dark mode to decrease eye strain and dryness. Dark mode hasn’t been proven to do anything other than lengthening your device’s battery life conclusively.

2- Is it safe to use a blue light filter?

According to research, cutting out 94% of blue light can reduce cancer risk. Several studies have found that exposure to blue light can cause lasting visual abnormalities. The back of your retina receives nearly 100 percent of the blue light that enters your eyes.

3- Is it beneficial to use computer glasses?

If you’re suffering from digital eye strain, computer glasses may assist in alleviating the discomfort.

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