What should you look for in a Time and Attendance Tracking System?

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The time and attendance tracking system has been in use for a significant length of time. Despite having time clocks to track the time and attendance of the employee, they have by no means been an efficient way to do it presently. Rest assured that time clocks initially came out over a century ago and have improved with time. However, they have been subjected to dishonesty and error ever since. 

Presently, time and attendance tracking systems have gradually moved to applications run by computers. These programs would offer a significantly more secure and efficient way to record & monitor the performance of the employee. 

To find out about the system that suits your company the best, find below a few important features to look for stated by www.lanteria.com – 


  • Competency to record billable and non-billable hours 


The time and attendance tracking systems should be able to track paid and non-paid hours. Despite the billable hours might appear an important component, you would require tracking non-billable hours for monitoring the time spent by the employee on the task or project. It would assist you in determining whether the employee has been productive or if the cost has been cost-effective in time. 


  • Competency to record and manage several tasks and projects 


An effective time and attendance tracking system would enable you to list the essential tasks and projects needed in your business. It would enable you to choose the tasks relevant to the employees and then input the time spent by the employee in performing the projects and tasks. 


  • Competency to integrate into other systems of different departments 


Time and attendance tracking systems have been usually with the HR department. However, you need to provide a report to the accounting department and should be compatible with the already prevalent system. Your tracking system should be relatively easy to integrate into the billing system and project management apps of your company. It would help you with invoicing, project assessment, and report generation easily and efficiently. 


  • Flexibility of application 


Consider looking for a time and attendance tracking system flexible to adapt to different apps. The system should be able to handle various kinds of paid employees inclusive of salaried managers and employees, telecommuting personnel, and flextime employees. The system should be flexible for the usage of consultants and contractors. In the event, you have worked for a third party, the system should be competent to bill the number of hours spent on specific projects or tasks. 


  • Competent in producing reports 


Your aim to deploying a time and attendance tracking system would not be to produce reports for computation of salary but to see the productivity of your employees. Your system should assist in performing specific project management tasks and analyze productivity and workflow by using the reports generated by the application. Consider using a system that could generate reports in figures, texts, and graphs for added flexibility. 


  • User friendly 


The best time and attendance tracking system would be the one that could be installed easily. It should not impede instant application with a relatively difficult learning curve. The vendors would enable you to make the most of the trial version of their system. They might enable you to run a completely functional application free of charge for a limited duration. It could help you test run to see its benefits to your organization. 

Consider looking for an application that employees and managers could use independently. It would also enable you to record important information independently. It would also enable you to monitor and check the information for accuracy by the HR department. 

To determine the right time and attendance tracking system for you, consider learning more about different kinds of systems made available that suit the unique needs of the company. 


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