How to conduct performance reviews online - Techduffer
Wed. Oct 16th, 2024
How to conduct performance reviews online


Performance appraisals are one of the most important parts of performance management in the workplace. That being said, as the modern workplace evolves beyond the confines of the office and remote work becomes more and more prominent, more organizations switch to conducting their performance reviews online as opposed to conducting their performance appraisals in person.

While there are many different ways to conduct performance reviews online, one needs to be careful when conducting online performance reviews. Whether you are using digital performance review templates or performance review software, there are some best practices you need to be on the lookout for as you are conducting your performance evaluations online.


Preparing for the review

As is the case with all performance reviews, online performance appraisals demand some preparation on the reviewer’s end before the actual review takes place. Before diving into the review process, it’s essential to make the necessary preparations. Establish clear objectives and criteria that align with your organization’s goals. Communicate these expectations to your employees, ensuring they understand what will be evaluated. Select appropriate online tools or platforms that facilitate seamless communication and document sharing. Lastly, provide training to managers and employees on how to effectively navigate the online review process.

In the online realm, selecting appropriate tools or platforms is paramount to conducting seamless performance reviews. Consider using video conferencing tools that support screen sharing and document collaboration. These tools allow for a more interactive experience, enabling both managers and employees to effectively communicate and share relevant materials. Providing training to managers and employees on how to navigate the online review process makes sure that everyone is comfortable and familiar with the technology and processes involved.


There are plenty of performance review software out there today. The key is to pick one that is the best solution for you. You should pick your online performance review tool based on your needs. The perfect performance review software will surely change for everybody depending on their circumstances.

Here are some of the things you should consider as you are picking the right performance review software for you:

Your performance review software of choice should be integrated into the rest of the tools you use on a daily basis. If you are using Microsoft Teams as a communication tool, you need performance review software that you can integrate into Teams.

You should pick a performance review tool that you can customize completely. After all, every organization has different needs! One tool that can be perfect for an organization may end up being useless for another. That is why you should invest in a completely customizable performance review tool that can adapt to your organization’s needs.

Lastly, the performance review solution you decide to implement should be easy to use. You shouldn’t have a hard time rolling this tool out organization-wide. Every single one of your employees should be able to pick the tool up and run with it!

Structuring the review

Decide on a mutually agreeable day and time in order to build a planned and organized evaluation process. Describe the review’s structure and format so that the management and employee may have a fair discussion. Give each evaluation enough time so that you have the chance to go into depth about performance. Establish rules for debate and criticism to encourage an honest and productive atmosphere.


Conducting Online Performance Reviews

Once the groundwork is laid, it’s time to conduct the review. Begin with an opening statement to set a positive and supportive tone. Review the employee’s performance against the established objectives and criteria, considering both their self-assessment and your assessment as their manager. Provide constructive feedback and recognition, highlighting areas of improvement as well as strengths. Encourage open communication and discussion, giving the employee a chance to share their thoughts and concerns. Don’t forget to document key points and agreements during the review to refer back to later.


Potential challenges and overcoming them

Conducting performance reviews online comes with its own set of challenges. Addressing these challenges proactively is crucial to maintaining the effectiveness of the review process.

Potential technical issues can hinder the smooth progress of the review. It is essential to test the chosen online platform in advance to ensure it is reliable and user-friendly. Familiarize yourself with the features and functionality to troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise. 

Have alternative communication channels available as backup options in case technical difficulties occur.

Maintaining objectivity and mitigating biases is another challenge in online performance reviews. When conducting reviews remotely, it can be challenging to interpret non-verbal cues or assess performance beyond what is presented on the screen. To overcome this, focus on concrete performance metrics and documented evidence. 

Rely on specific examples and measurable outcomes to support your feedback and evaluation, ensuring fairness and objectivity.



There are some clear benefits to conducting performance reviews online, the same way there are challenges. By following the helpful tidbits provided in this article, you will find that the benefits of conducting remote performance appraisals far outweigh the challenges.


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