Guide to understand the role of Python in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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Today, AI is one of the most widely utilized and rapidly expanding data-driven technologies.

Artificial intelligence is being employed by a variety of organizations worldwide, from governments and huge corporations to small online companies. You can hire Python developers to tap into the power of AI and boost your businesses, as well. 

In fact, in 2015, Only 10% of businesses claimed to be using artificial intelligence technology. This number increased to 37% in 2019. By 2028, the market size of artificial intelligence is projected to reach $641.3 billion.

Python vs C++ for AI

C++ is commonly used for AI, let’s see how Python compares with it. 

Criteria PythonC++
PopularityPython is more popular among developers as it was chosen by 48.07% developers. C++ was chosen by only 22.55% of developers. 
ComplexityPython uses dynamic language which reduces complexity. It can be used with less code which is especially useful while collaborating with other technologies.In C++, all significant compilers tend to do specific optimisation and can be platform specific. This means that unlike Python C++ cannot run on any platform without specific configurations.
Simplicity It is common knowledge that Python is a simple language which makes collaboration easy.C++ is a lower-level language and hence it needs more expertise and skills. 

Python vs Java

Java is not only a very popular choice among developers but it is the one of the most commonly used languages in AI.

Criteria PythonJava
Type of language Interpreted Complied
Structure Python uses indentations to structure the language.In Java the structure is enclosed in braces.
Performance Is preferred by developers because the language is simple. Is preferred to build high-end applications in AI.

Benefits of using Python for AI

  1. Platform-independent

Python is an open-source programming language that can be used on any operating system. It offers flexible usage as fewer modifications are needed in basic coding.

  1. Use in Robotics

Python is a widely used language in the robotics industry. So, if you are looking to move to a capital-based approach, Python is your pick. 

Python is frequently used in conjunction with the hardware platform of the Raspberry Pi, which enables flexible and economical experimentation. Robotic process automation in business uses Python AI programming (RPA). 

Python can programme the behavior of such robotic tools. 

  1. Memory Management 

Programming templates like imperative, object-oriented, functional, and procedural features are available in Python’s dynamic type system. 

The programming language CPython, which is readily available for all operating systems, is becoming extremely popular.

  1. Website development 

Let’s say you want to create a new website or a new version of a website, you can hire Python developers to do the job for you. 

Today’s websites are frequently created in Python using Python web frameworks like Django and Flask. 

Python and Django’s flexibility and capability to accommodate any specialized needs.  

  1. Machine Learning

Machine Learning is an application of artificial intelligence.

It provides computer systems the ability to learn with data and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. In simple terms, computers can learn without human intervention. 

ML can help you create real-time chat with agents, decision support, and more. 

Python AI libraries 

A programming language is just as good at its libraries. Hire Python developers who are fluent in these libraries. 

Such AI-based libraries make different things like data analysis simple. Your company can use the library to examine sales data, highlight predicted trends, and identify areas that require development.

Here are examples of such libraries. 


TensorFlow was developed by Google. 

Python developers can use TensorFlow tools to:

  • Process and load data.
  • Use pre-trained models or create custom ML models.
  • Implement MLOps and run models in production and keep them performing.

TensorFlow’s high-level APIs are based on the Keras API standard for defining and training neural networks. With its user-friendly APIs, Keras enables quick prototyping, cutting-edge research, and production.


Because of its high level syntax, NumPy is accessible to and efficient for programmers of all backgrounds and levels of experience.

NumPy’s numerical capabilities determine the statistical importance of observational data like the number of visits on your site. This can help create a generative or static model. For tactical analysis, large data techniques and causal analysis are employed. 

Python developers can also employ data graphing and visualization to offer insightful information about the connections between different datasets.


Hire python developers to define, optimize, and effectively evaluate mathematical formulas involving multi-dimensional arrays using the Theano Python module. It is constructed over NumPy.


The Keras API was created with people in mind, not with computers.

Keras reduces cognitive load which provides consistent & simple APIs, reduces the number of user actions necessary for typical use cases, and offers clear & actionable error messages. 

Additionally, it has a wealth of developer guides and documentation.


If you are looking to build a two-player game with AI, hire Python developers fluent in EasyAI. 

Since the library is written in Python it is easy to define the mechanisms of a game and play against the computer or solve the game.

ML Python libraries

You can hire Python developers who are proficient in the following libraries to provide extra support to your e-presence. 

  1. NLP

NLP blends statistical, machine learning, and deep learning models with computational linguistics—rule-based modeling of human language. 

Computer programmes that translate text between languages, respond to spoken commands, and quickly summarize large amounts of text—even in real time—are all powered by NLP.

With NLP, you can enable chatbots that are interactive. 

  1. Kaggle

You can hire Python developers who can connect with other developers online at Kaggle.

Users of Kaggle can work together, access and share datasets, use notebooks with GPU integration, and compete with other data scientists to solve data science problems.

With Kaggle, python developers can create ML algorithms to learn from customer behavior and create dynamic pricing based on different variables.

  1. Scikit-learn

In the Python ecosystem, Scikit-learn, an open-source data analysis toolkit, is considered to be the pinnacle of machine learning (ML). Important features include: algorithms for making decisions, such as: Data is identified and categorized by classification based on patterns.

You can hire python developers to harness the library to understand patterns and to instantly see anomalies that fall outside those patterns. 

This makes it possible to enable fraud detection like credit card or debit card fraud. 

  1. Scikit-Image

Scikit-image is a Python programming library for image processing. 

You can hire python developers to use the library for segmentation, geometric transformations, color space manipulation, analysis, filtering, morphology, feature recognition, and more.

This library can help you make sense out of images. 

You can hire Python developers and harness the power of AI in Python for your business. More than 9 in 10 which means 91% of businesses already have an ongoing investment in AI as per NewVantage, 2022. 

AI means better data visualization, data analysis, increase in productivity and even your users can benefit from a better experience.


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